Medical laser therapy

Medical provider: Centrum laserové a estetické dermatologie, s.r.o.

What medical lasers do we use and what are they for?

MeDioStar – Hair removal laser

High-power diode laser.

It is a modern technology which enables long-term epilation – hair removal – on virtually every part of the body with consequent hair growth restriction.

Part of laser technology is so-called vascular application for treating venous symptoms. Unique system of active cooling facilitates treatment almost without pain. Thanks to active system of cooling and doubled laser pulse it is possible to treat tanned and dark skin without complications. Hair removal thus can be conducted year-round without summer interruption.

Multipulse – CO2 laser

High-power surgical laser.

It is used as a hot scalpel for removal certain skin marks, warts, molluscs, fibromas, but also for transconjunctival blepharoplastics (surgery of eye lids conducted through conjunctiva). It also can be used in certain cases for laser treatment of snoring.

Main advantages of laser treatment are beam precision, minimal bleeding and destruction of infective germs. For certain infectious warts (common on soles of feet, hands, molluscs, flat warts in children and condylomata) it is an optimal removal method.

Wound healing is je individual. In majority of cases, dermal crust reamins on site for a certain period of time. Afterwards, scab falls off spontaneously and pinky spot remains in place of the scab. In ceratin sensitive individuals, loss of pigment in site can occur. Treated area must be protected form direct sunlight exposition for approximately 2 months. Histologic examination can be done from laser treated skin (shave excision). Before laser intervention, a consultation with medical professional is necessary.

QuadroStar – Vascular laser

High-power vascular laser.

It is mainly used for removal of vascular skin problems of red and red-purple color – vascular diseases. Dilated facial vessels, spider naevi (small ruptured vessels on face or body), angiomas – red dots mainly on body, red-purple microvarices on lower limbs.

Number of treatment repetitons differs according to the medical indication. Method is not painful, because we use passive cooling during the treatment. After the procedure treated skin becomes red and scabs can be formed in the site of higher laser energy usage. Treated areas has to be protected from direct sunlight for one month at minimum. Treatment method is called selective phototermolysis and thanks to technology of complementary laser colors it enables removal of red and red-blue skin lesions.

MIXTO – Fraction CO2 laser

CO2 laser.

Can be particulary used for visible augmentation of skin quality, removal of color changes of skin and treatment of small vrinkles and scars. Treatment solves wrinkles, loosened skin, pigment spots, scars due to acne and dilated skin pores.

Whole treatment brings about only minimal discomfort for the patient, because laser beam is not focused on whole skin area, but it is acting in specific micropoints, which can be spotted on treated skin as small dots. However, laser radiation inluences whole area of the skin by intervention in upper and middle layer of skin. Treated spots are surrounded by non-irradiated skin, which promotes natural healing.

Itt causes softening of wrinkles, removal of pigmentations and facilitates creation of collagen fibers for 6 months period of time, over which you can observe subsequent wrinkle reduction and skin tightening.

Before procedure, consultation is required for treatment suitability assesment. Moslty, only one treatment is needed to achieve desired results.