General dermatology

Are you suffering from skin problems? Acne, rosace, eczema, dermatitis or pigmented naevi? Come to our dermatology center. Our clinic is a contractual partner of these insurance companies – VZP, VoZP, ZPŠ a ČPZP.

Aesthetic and laser dermatology

We provide services of aesthetic and corrective dermatology, such as fillings, laser procedures, botulotoxine application, common surgical interventions and others.
Special offer: Treatment of post-covid and other hair loss. We provide packages of plasma with vitamines.

Aesthetic and corrective dermatology in Prague 10 – Uhříněves

Ve provide services of aesthetic and corrective dermatology in Prague. You are welcome to consultation and discuss your expectations about benefits of the treatment.

Services of laser therapy and general dermatology in Prague 10 – Uhříněves

Ve provide laser therapy for dermatologic problems and medical services of general dermatology. Call us to book an appointment or consultation.

Dermatology in Prague Uhříněvěs

Book an appointment:

+420 606 035 141


Dům s pečovatelskou službou II.

Nové náměstí 1440/2a

Prague 10 – Uhříněves, 104 00

Czech Republic